3 Helpful Hints for New Homeowners
Getting handed the keys as a new homeowner is a massively exciting moment. Still, there is a certain measure of anxiety that comes with owning a home, especially if it’s your first.
New homeowners often wonder how they can keep their home looking and feeling ‘like new’. In the past, many homeowners were renters and perhaps never had to do the maintenance on their home. Due to lack of experience and other factors, first-time buyers often view maintaining their beautiful, new home as a daunting task.
Buying a home is a massive investment! As with anything of value, a new home must be cared for.
Not to fear:
Even after the shiny keys are in your hands, Disney & Associates will not leave you high and dry. We provide all of our home buyers with the resources they need to prepare them for successfully maintaining their Disney home.
Starting now, Disney & Associates is rolling out three new helpful hints for new homeowners every month. We’re here today with our first five must-know home owning tips!
1. Caring for Your Concrete
What is the first thing that greets your feet when you pull up to your new home? Concrete. A few simple maintenance steps can minimize cracking and damage to your concrete. Here are a few dos and don’ts of concrete care.
What NOT to do to Your Concrete
Avoid washing your concrete with water. Using cold hose water to wash of concrete, especially on a hot day, could cause surface cracks.
Don’t drive large trucks onto your concrete slab. Your driveway has been engineered to support residential traffic. While it is built tough and can handle your family cars, the concrete could sustain cracks under the pressure of larger vehicles, such as commercial trucks.
Try not to use chemicals on your concrete. The presence of chemicals on your concrete can lead to surface chipping.
What to do to Your Concrete
Keep your concrete clean by simply brushing off dirt and debris. We recommend sweeping it away a broom. It’s a perfect activity do start your day with some crisp, morning air. Enjoy your view while increasing your curb appeal and protecting your concrete all at the same time.

2. Maintain Fireplace Safety
One of the coziest features of your home is your stunning fireplace. Fireplaces are the perfect solution for taking the edge off chilly PNW nights while adding to the ambiance of your home. Here are a few reminders to keep your family safe and warm.
Keep Your Fireplace Clean
Keeping it clean is one of the most important steps. We suggest using a non-corrosive cleaner as recommended by the manufacturer of your appliance. If possible, periodically move the fireplace away from the wall to remove dust underneath and behind the fireplace, while being careful not to scratch your gorgeous floors. Ensure that everything from furniture to family members maintain a safe distance from the fireplace when in use.
Pro tip: Don’t forget to return the manufacturer’s registration card on your fireplace. This will guarantee that any warranties are in place, just in case.
3. Keep Your Hardwood Floors ‘Like New’
Real wood floors are a stunning feature of any Disney home. The characteristics of wood floors, such as unique knots coupled with custom staining only add to the natural beauty.
Your wood floor has been designed for normal wear and tear. Still, your floors can sustain damage if proper measures are not taken to protect them.
Here are a few things to avoid on your hardwood:
- Failure to remove sand or dirt collected on furniture caps
- Walking on the floors with high heels that are missing caps
- Pets scratching or digging at flooring
- Kids bringing outdoor play vehicles inside and rolling them across flooring
- Dragging heavy furniture across your flooring
- Failure to put furniture caps on chairs and other furniture items
- Standing water will can cause boards to swell and separate
- Dropping heavy items, which could dent the floor
Hardwood floors are generally easy to maintain. They require basic sweeping and mopping, ensuring that dirt, sand and other debris is regularly removed to maintain cleanliness and keep the floor from getting scratched. Be sure to immediately wipe up spills, and always consider the manufacturers recommendations for cleaning products. It is not recommended to use furniture polishing products on your floor, as it may make your floor incredible slick and become a safety hazard for your family.
Stay tuned for Disney’s next three helpful hints for new homeowners! Have your own tips? We’d love to hear them in the comments section below.